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Fresh marketing for a better world

We want to use our hard-earned experience from the corporate and the tourism industry to help making the world a visually better and more customer oriented place.  And want to be affordable for small and medium businesses.

Filippo Mari

I worked for more than 12 years in the corporate covering several sales and most of all marketing positions before becoming a serial entrepreneur. For the last 10 years I launched a premium tour operator, an outdoor company, an apparel company and a creative agency. I also write articles for sport magazines, moderate and act in videos and tutorials, give speeches about marketing and customer care at universities and business events.

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Tobias Lobkowicz

I love traveling. I lived in New Zealand and I now split my life between Prague and Berlin. And I love video making. I am the man behind the lens. I have started several video channels, podcasts, radio, created websites, took photos and videos. I love to share my expertise in order to help businesses grow.

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